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The following pages are in need of one or more moderators. Send an email to petrowiki(at) to volunteer yourself or recommend someone who is professionally qualified.
- Air drilling
- Basins and fields
- Biological monitoring
- Burgan
- Data driven approaches to production management
- Digital oilfields
- DNA fingerprinting for reservoir characterization
- Formation integrity test
- Geothermal energy
- Ghawar
- Gas chromatography
- Hydrostatic testing
- Microbial exploration technology
- Producing crude oil from algae
- Production management
- Robotics
- Solar EOR
- Water for hydraulic fracturing
- Waterflooding in carbonate reservoirs
- Well test
- Wireless sulfide sensors
Completion Systems
- Completion systems
- Packers
- Metallurgy for downhole equipment
- Elastomers
- Packer standards and classifications
- Completion flow control accessories
- Cased hole completions
- Multilateral completions
- Temperature-depth profiles
- Tubing changes from pressure and temperature
- Combination completions
Electrical Systems
- Alternating current motors
- Induction motors
- Motor specifications
- NEMA motor characteristics
- Alternating current motor drives
- Motor enclosures
Emerging Drilling Technologies
- Dual gradient drilling systems
- Downhole tool communication
- Subsea completion systems
- Expandable tubulars
- Casing drilling
- Deep hard-rock drilling
- Resin composites
- Microwave-processed metals
- Drilling microsystems
Emulsion Treating
- Emulsion treating subsystems
- Emulsion treating methods
- Operational considerations of emulsion treating
- Sampling and analyzing emulsions
- Separating emulsions
- Heating oil emulsions
Field reservoir pages
- Ekofisk field
- Wilmington field
- Kuparuk River field
- West Texas carbonate fields
- Kirkuk field
- Hawkins field
- Prudhoe Bay field
- Empire Abo field
- Haft Kel field
- Swanson River field
Fundamentals of Geophysics
- Seismic data acquisition equipment
- Seismic wave propagation
- Seismic attributes
- Seismic interpretation
- Designing 3D seismic surveys
- Seismic profiling
Gas Treating and Processing
- Gas treating and processing
- Dry dessicant dehydration
- Dehydration with refrigeration and hydrate suppression
- Dehydration with glycol
- Dehydration with deliquescing dessicants
- Sour gas sweetening
Hydrate Emerging Technologies
- Hydrates
- Hydrate plug removal
- Preventing formation of hydrate plugs
- Transporting stranded gas as hydrates
- Gas hydrates in nature
Hydraulic Pumping in Oil Wells
- Hydraulic pumping
- Downhole hydraulic pump installations
- Downhole hydraulic pump types
- Hydraulic pumping surface equipment
- Hydraulic pumping systems for single wells
- Hydraulic pumping system design
Liquid and Gas Measurement
- Liquid meters
- Positive displacement liquid meters
- Inference liquid meters
- Liquid flow meter proving and LACT units
- Gas meters
- Orifice gas meters
- Ultrasonic gas meters
- Gas turbine meter
Mathematics of Vibrating Systems
- Differential calculus refresher
- Vibration theory
- Basic vibration analysis
- Vibrating systems with multiple sources of motion
- Continuous vibration systems
Monetizing Stranded Gas
- Associated and nonassociated gas
- Stranded gas
- Monetizing stranded gas
- Gas utilization options
- Gas pipelines
- Compressed natural gas (CNG)
- Liquified natural gas (LNG)
- Gas to liquids (GTL)
- Gas to methanol
- Gas to power
Mud Logging
- Mud logging
- Hydrocarbon analysis during mud logging
- Cuttings analysis during mud logging
- Formation evaluation during mud logging
Oil and Gas Processing
Oil Reservoir Primary Drive Mechanism
- Primary drive mechanisms
- Oil fluid characteristics
- Material balance in oil reservoirs
- Solution gas drive reservoirs
- Gas cap drive reservoirs
- Waterdrive reservoirs
- Water influx models
- Material balance in water drive reservoirs
- Compaction drive reservoirs
- Water and gas coning
Oil Storage
- Oil storage
- Fixed roof tanks
- Tank breathing
- Vent system design for storage tanks
- Floating roof tanks
- Controlling liquid leaks from tanks
- Tank battery
Oil System Correlations
- Oil fluid properties
- Crude oil characterization
- Oil bubblepoint pressure
- Solution gas oil ratio
- Isothermal compressibility of oil
- Oil density
- Oil viscosity
- Interfacial tension
- Calculating PVT properties
Petroleum Economics
- Time value of money
- Key economic parameters for decision making
- Portfolio analysis
- Real options analysis
Petrophysical Applications
- Water saturation determination
- Net pay determination
- Fluid contacts identification
- Porosity for resource in place calculations
- Petrophysical data sources
- Petrophysical analysis case studies
Piping and Pipelines
- Pipelines
- Pipeline pigging
- Pipeline design consideration and standards
- Pressure drop evaluation along pipelines
Plunger Lift
- Plunger lift
- Plunger lift installation and maintenance
- Plunger design considerations and selection
- Plunger lift applications
- Plunger lift design and models
Prime movers
Reservoir Geology
- Reservoir geology
- Carbonate reservoir geology
- Siliciclastic reservoir geology
- Geology in reservoir models
Rock Properties
- Predicting rock properties
- Rock types
- Rock density and porosity
- Pore fluid properties
- Stress strain relationships in rocks
- Rock moduli boundary constraints
- Isotropic elastic properties of minerals
- Compressional and shear velocities
- Rock acoustic velocities and porosity
- Rock acoustic velocities and pressure
- Rock acoustic velocities and in-situ stress
- Rock acoustic velocities and temperature
- Gassmann's equation for fluid substitution
- Acoustic velocity dispersion and attenuation
- Rock failure relationships
- Compressive strength of rocks
- Pore fluid effects on rock mechanics
- Rock strength from log parameters
Safety Systems
- Safety systems
- Recommended methods for safety analysis
- Relief valves and relief systems
- Flare and vent disposal systems
Single-Phase Permeability
- Single phase permeability
- Rock type influence on permeability
- Corrections to core measurements of permeability
- Estimating permeability based on Kozeny-Carman equation
- Estimating permeability based on grain size
- Estimating permeability based on surface area and water saturation
- Estimating permeability based on pore dimension
- Comparison of permeability estimation models
Single-Well Chemical Tracer Test
- Single well chemical tracer test
- Residual oil evaluation using single well chemical tracer test
- Designing single well chemical tracer test for residual oil
- Interpreting data collected during a single well chemical tracer test
- Simulation of single well chemical tracer tests
- Evaluating IOR potential with single well chemical tracer test
- Connate water saturation evaluation
- Residual gas saturation testing
Specialized Well Logging Topics
- Types of logs
- Directional survey for 3D reservoir modeling
- Openhole caliper logs
- Casing collar locator
- Casing inspection logs
- Borehole imaging
- Borehole gravimetry
- Downhole magnetic surveys
Well-to-Well Tracer Tests
- Well to well tracer tests
- Radioactive water tracers
- Radioactive gas tracers
- Chemical water tracers
- Chemical gas tracers
- Tracer flow in porous reservoir rock
- Planning and design of well to well tracer tests
- Interpreting data from well to well tracer tests
- Field experience with well to well tracer tests