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Message: PetroWiki content is moving to OnePetro! Please note that all projects need to be complete by November 1, 2024, to ensure a smooth transition. Online editing will be turned off on this date.

PetroWiki:Privacy policy

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PetroWiki is a product of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and it follows SPE’s privacy policy. This page describes how SPE collects, uses, and protects information related to your use of PetroWiki.

Definition of terms

Contributor – anyone who creates a new page and adds content to it, makes changes to an existing page or uploads a file to PetroWiki.

Champion – individuals serving in a defined content review role and making decisions on which contributions to accept, change, or decline.

Data we collect

Login and contact information

PetroWiki relies on the SPE database for login and contact information, and uses that information consistent with SPE’s privacy policy. Login is required for any functionality other than “read” on PetroWiki. Name and company affiliation are associated with contributions to PetroWiki, and will be available for viewing by SPE members viewing the History tab for a page. This attribution adds credibility to the contributions and is required for any user who elects to contribute to PetroWiki.

IP addresses

PetroWiki automatically records the internet address of any computer accessing the site, along with the date and time of access. This information does not identify you personally, nor does it include your name, address, or email address. SPE uses this information for purposes such as diagnosing access issues or problems with the server, to administer the website, and potentially to determine access rights.


“Cookies” are small encrypted text files that identify you and your preferences during your online session. They are not programs and are not known to be harmful to your computer. Some browsers and/or firewalls provide you the option to block all cookies. If you deny cookies from PetroWiki you will still be able to read content on the pages, but you will not be able to login or access any advanced functionality. Cookies allow us to pass your login and contact information from the member database to PetroWiki. Most cookies used by PetroWiki are temporary; they will exist only for the duration of your online session. Longer-term cookies will be used for customers who use the “remember me” option with their login, so that the information can be sent back to the server on subsequent login. These cookies reside on the customer’s computer and can be deleted by the customer at any time.

Generic activity

SPE keeps track and reports page views and related statistics for PetroWiki in an aggregated format. This information includes no personal identification. PetroWiki also tracks contributions; as explained above, contributions are associated with the individual contributor. Activity by champions to approve or edit pages is also identified in the PetroWiki database.

Use of collected data


SPE will use your contact information to identify your contributions to PetroWiki. Contributors also agree that SPE may use their email address to communicate with them about contributed material. On some occasions, contributor email addresses may be shared with champions associated with the edited page, in case there is a need for clarification on the suggested edits. When making an edit or creating a new page on PetroWiki, you agree to these uses of your contact information.


SPE will use your contact information in all of the ways described for Contributors above. In addition, contact information will be shared with the other champions assigned to the same page(s) to facilitate communication about the content on the page. Champions will also receive emails alerting them to pending moderation tasks. When agreeing to serve as a champion, you agree to these uses of your contact information.


If you elect to “Watch” a page so that you are notified of changes to that page, you agree that SPE may use your email address to send you those update notifications.


SPE reserves the right to use your name and company affiliation to provide recognition to those who have made significant contributions and/or served as champions for PetroWiki.

Use of information by third parties

Since contributors’ names and company affiliation are disclosed, SPE members may be able to access the contributor’s contact information through the Membership Directory. Members are able to restrict what contact information is displayed in the SPE Membership Directory. Update your profile. Such activity by members is independent and does reflect a disclosure to a third party by PetroWiki.

Personally identifiable data collected in the server logs, through records in the database, or through other non-publicly-available methods, may be released by SPE staff in any of the following situations:

  • In response to a valid subpoena or other compulsory request from law enforcement,
  • With permission of the affected user,
  • When necessary for investigation of abuse complaints,
  • Where the information pertains to page views generated by a spider or bot and its dissemination is necessary to illustrate or resolve technical issues,
  • Where the user has been vandalizing articles or persistently behaving in a disruptive way, data may be released to a service provider, carrier, or other third-party entity to assist in the targeting of IP blocks, or to assist in the formulation of a complaint to relevant Internet Service Providers,
  • Where it is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of SPE, its users or the public.

Except as described above, SPE does not permit distribution of personally identifiable information under any circumstances.


SPE takes the privacy of our members and customers very seriously and we are committed to protecting the security of your data, both on and off line.

Other websites

PetroWiki includes links to numerous other websites. SPE is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such linked sites.

Contact information for PetroWiki

Email: petrowiki(at)

Phone: 1.972.952.9393

Mailing address:

Society of Petroleum Engineers
P.O. Box 833836
Richardson, Texas 75083

Street address:

Society of Petroleum Engineers
222 Palisades Creek Drive
Richardson, Texas 75080