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Talk:American Petroleum Institute

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American Petroleum Institute (API) Standards Committees

Overview API was formed in 1919 as a standards-setting organization and is the global leader in convening subject matter experts across segments to establish, maintain, and distribute consensus standards for the oil and gas industry. In its first 100 years, API has developed more than 700 standards to enhance operational safety, environmental protection and sustainability across the industry, especially through these standards being adopted globally.

API standards are developed under API’s American National Standards Institute accredited process, ensuring that the API standards are recognized not only for their technical rigor but also their third-party accreditation which facilitates acceptance by state, federal, and increasingly international regulators.

Since 1924, the American Petroleum Institute has been a cornerstone in establishing and maintaining standards for the worldwide oil and natural gas industry. Our work helps the industry invent and manufacture superior products consistently, provide critical services, ensure fairness in the marketplace for businesses and consumers alike, and promotes the acceptance of products and practices by industry and governments globally as outlined in the new API Standards: International Usage and Deployment.

Standards enhance the safety of industry operations, assure quality, help keep costs down, reduce waste, and minimize confusion. They help speed acceptance, bring products to market quicker, and avoid having to reinvent the wheel every time a product is manufactured.


Standard Committee Organization

API Standards Committees are made up of subcommittees and task groups that works and maintain these standards. The committees and subcommittees are:

Committee on Standardization of Oilfield Equipment & Materials (CSOEM)

 SC2- Subcommittee on Offshore Structures
 SC5- Subcommittee on Tubular Goods
 SC6- Subcommittee on Valves & Wellhead Equipment
 SC8- Subcommittee on Drilling Structures & Equipment
 SC10- Subcommittee on Well Cements
 SC11- Subcommittee on Field Operating Equipment
 SC13- Subcommittee on Drill Completion & Fracturing Fluids
 SC15- Subcommittee on Fiberglass & Plastic Tubulars
 SC16- Subcommittee on Drilling Well Control Equipment
 SC17- Subcommittee on Subsea Production Equipment
 SC18- Subcommittee on Quality
 SC19- Subcommittee on Completion Equipment
 SC20- Subcommittee on Supply Chain Management[9]
 SC21- Subcommittee on Materials
 PER15K - API Protocol for Verification and Validation of High-Pressure High-Temperature Equipment
 PTC - API Product Verification and Product Conformance

Committee on Refinery Equipment (CRE)

 SCAST - Subcommittee on Aboveground Storage Tanks
 SCCM - Subcommittee on Corrosion & Materials
 SCHTE - Subcommittee on Heat Transfer Equipment
 SCIMI - Subcommittee on Inspection and Mechanical Integrity
 SCOPV - Subcommittee on Piping & Valves
 SCPRS - Subcommittee on Pressure-Relieving Systems
 SOEE - Subcommittee on Electrical Equipment
 SOICS - Subcommittee on Instruments & Control Systems
 SOME - Subcommittee on Mechanical Equipment

Pipeline Standards Committees

Safety and Fire Protection Committee (SFPS)

API Committee on Petroleum Measurement (COPM)

 Committee on Evaporation Loss Estimation (CELE)
 Committee on Gas Fluids Measurement (COGFM)
 Committee on Liquid Measurement (COLM)
 Committee on Measurement Accountability (COMA)
 Committee on Measurement Quality (COMQ)
 Committee on Production Measurement & Allocation (CPMA)
 Committee on Measurement Education & Training (COMET)

Drilling and Production Operations Subcommittee (DPOS)

Process Safety Subcommittee

Rail Standards Committee (RSC)
