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Measurement while fracturing (MWF)

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Although many measurements are taken while fracturing, the term MWF refers to nonintrusive measurements taken on surface without fracturing operations interruption.


MWF is characterized by enhanced event detectability and higher reflection depth determination accuracy. These are achieved by a combination of advanced signal processing algorithms and a tube wave velocity model based on Bayesian statistics, where each new signal is used as posterior information for decreasing uncertainty. MWF system typically have three major subcomponents:

  • Pressure transducer
  • Data gathering device
  • Monitoring software

Pressure transducer

Hammer union pressure transmitter with full scale pressure range (0 - 20K psi) is used to conduct measurements of pressure at wellhead.

Data gathering device

Device supports transfer of high-frequency pressure data from transmitter to monitoring software.

Monitoring software

Algorithm deploys tube waves application, which appear in a wellbore at the time of pumps shut down. Generated tubes waves are propagating from a wellhead to a fracture with multiple reflections. High-frequency pressure monitoring software modern signal processing algorithms allows calculating the reflection time ("periods" of such quasi-period pulsations). Note, that this procedure is not trivial and uses non-linear methods borrowed from speech recognition techniques (cepstral processing) to determine the contribution of different reflection times, as well as data analysis methods, that allow determining the noise-free range of a signal and calculate the reflection time uncertainty.

Having the value of this pair (reflection time and reflection time uncertainty) it is possible to determine the depth of the fracture (as well as its uncertainty) if the tube waves velocity is known. This velocity depends on number of factors: the fluid composition, temperature, pressure, wellbore geometry, and so on and cannot be calculated. However, using possible (potential) fracture intervals (determined by the presence of ports) one can calculate possible velocities, each of which will correspond to a specific interval (port). Moreover, since the ports themselves have finite width, and the reflection time has its own uncertainty, the velocity will also be calculated with an uncertainty range. It is interesting to note that already this simple analysis in most cases severely limits the range of uncertainty of the depth of the fracture. Indeed, for linear gel or slick water, the velocity range 1300 - 1700 m/s covers all possible wellbore conditions. So that all intervals, which depths do not comply with this range may be excluded from consideration.

Noteworthy papers in OnePetro

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Bogdan, Andrey V., Keilers, Adam , Oussoltsev, Dmitri , and Bruno Lecerf. "Real-Time Interpretation of Leak Isolation with Degradable Diverter Using High Frequency Pressure Monitoring." Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia, October 2016. doi:

Klem, Richard A., Rutzinger, Gunther , Shulman, Mark , Pedam, Sandeep , Keilers, Adam , Bogdan, Andrey , and Dmitri Oussoltsev. "Sequenced Fracturing Technique Improves Production from an Underperforming Lateral: An Interpretation Based on High Frequency Pressure Monitoring." Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, January 2017. doi:

Rutzinger, Gunther , Wages, David , Shrider, James , Robertson, Daniel B., Hanzik, Cody , Bogdan, Andrey , Keilers, Adam , and Dmitry Oussoltsev. "Sequenced Fracturing Technique with High-Frequency Pressure Monitoring Improves Horizontal Injection Well Performance on the North Slope of Alaska." Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, California, April 2017. doi:

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Parkhonyuk, S.. , Fedorov, A.. , Kabannik, A.. , Korkin, R.. , Nikolaev, M.. , and I.. Tsygulev. "Measurements While Fracturing: Nonintrusive Method of Hydraulic Fracturing Monitoring." Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, January 2018. doi:

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Parkhonyuk, Sergey , Nikolaev, Max , Fedorov, Andrey , Konchenko, Andrey , and Torbjoern Vik. "Cloud-Based Solution for Advanced Real-Time Fracturing Evaluation." Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA, September 2018. doi:

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See also

