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Help:RichText editor - Create new category

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Categories are very important to the organization of PetroWiki. See the full list of existing categories.

To create a category click the Category icon ETB Category 001.PNG from the tool bar.

Category Window Example

Search for an existing category or create a new category.

To use an existing category:

  1. Search the title
  2. Select a title from the results list
  3. Click the title so that it pops into the top chosen field and press the OK button.

Existing Category Example


Create a new category:

  1. Write in the category name.
  2. Click the "Create new category" button.
  3. Click the OK button.

Create New Category Example 


Always use *sentence case.

Sentence case is when you only capitalize the first letter of the first word in a heading – like you would in a sentence. Exceptions in sentence case: Proper nouns are also capitalized.
