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Help:DOI links

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DOI stands for digital object identifier. It is a numeric tag that is registered with Cross-Ref or another DOI registrar that is designed to provide a permanent link to the online source of the document or other resource. This ensures that you can still get to a document even though the original source has changed their website or otherwise "moved" the document from its original location. DOIs have two parts -- a prefix that indicates the publisher or source of the material, and a unique alphanumeric identifier for documents from that publisher.

Most (but not all) SPE papers have DOI links. Papers, especially journal papers, from other publishers also often have DOI links. DOI links are created using the format, where ###### is the two part DOI specific to the document.

While looking up a DOI requires a bit of extra effort, it is worth it to ensure the document can be easily found by the thousands of other PetroWiki users who may want to read it. You found it valuable enough to reference, so help ensure that others can find it easily.

How do I find the DOI for a document?

SPE, PETSOC, OTC, and IPTC papers

When you locate the SPE, PETSOC, OTC, or IPTC paper in OnePetro, click on the title to get to the preview page for the document. When you are viewing the preview page, you will find the DOI in the upper right section of the page as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1-Screenshot of where to find the DOI number on a OnePetro paper.

If no DOI is listed, then this paper does not have one and you'll need to include the full OnePetro URL to the preview page from the browser.

In the Figure 1 example, only the paper DOI is shown (10.2118/151977-MS). 10.2118 is SPE's DOI prefix and 151977-MS is the paper number. To create the DOI link, you would need to add to get [When you use a web address that starts with http, there is no need to create a hyperlink in the wiki -- it will happen automatically when you save the page.]

If the paper preview in OnePetro does not list a DOI for that paper, it means that it does not have one (there are several reasons why this could be true).

Non-SPE papers

Cross-Ref offers a DOI lookup. While they provide several lookup options, using author and source often doesn't identify matches due to inconsistent capitalization or punctuation. The most effective way to find a DOI is to use their simple text query with the reference to your document.

  • Go to
  • Enter your email address (You have to register your email address, which is free. There is sometimes a delay in receiving the verification email from Cross-Ref, but this step is necessary only the first time you use the DOI lookup.)
  • Paste your reference into the text box and press Submit (see Figure 2)
    Figure 2 - CrossRef simple DOI query screen
  • Copy the DOI from the page (see Figure 3) and place it at the end of your reference
    Figure 3 - DOI query result