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Help:Champion process

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Moderation of a wiki site is one of the most important jobs in keeping the site running smoothly. Champions are responsible for reviewing submitted pages and determining whether they meet the standards of the site and can be made available as approved pages to users.


Moderation of PetroWiki is analogous to peer review for SPE's journals, but the contributions being moderated are much shorter than reading and critiquing a full-length technical paper. SPE plans to have at least three champions assigned to each page in the wiki. Approval of a page requires two champions.
When an SPE member edits a page, after they save their changes, the page will appear on a Champion Task list for each of the assigned champions. Once per day, champions will receive a single email letting them know if they have any pending tasks.

Moderation Diagram


Accessing the champion task list

All moderation begins at the Champion Task List page. There are two ways to access this page:

  • Click the link in the champion email you receive, then login (SPE login)
  • Go to PetroWiki and log in. Under the Toolbox in the left navigation, click the Moderation link.

Toolbox menu

The champion task list is divided into two sections:

  • Active moderated pages- these are pages waiting for you to take action
  • Idle moderated pages -these are pages on which you have already taken action, but they are waiting on a second (or third) champion

The task list is in a table format, and provides the following information:

  • Namespace -where the page is located on the site (Everything you see will be in the Main namespace; the others apply to staff only)
  • Edited pages -the names of the pages to be reviewed
  • Time since edit- the time since the last edit was made to the page
  • Moderation Status - displays actions taken by other champions
  • Time since action -the time since the last champion acted on the page
  • Discussion - you can initiate a discussion with the other champions for a page or join a discussion started by one of the other page champions

Moderating a page

To moderate a page, click on the link to that page under the "Edited pages" column of the Active moderated pages list. The link will take you to a special version of the page that highlights the latest revisions of the page.</span

The top area of the page, as shown above, highlights the edits to the page. If the edits are more extensive or you need more page context, you can scroll down to the see the page as it appears with the latest revisions.

You may choose to approve or reject the revisions by clicking either the "Approve" or "Reject' links in the top right corner of the revision area. If you believe that the changes would be acceptable with some editing, you can click the edit link to make modifications to the page yourself.

If you reject a contribution you will be asked to provide a rationale. If the changes end up being rejected by both champions, staff will contact the author by email and will use the information you provide in the rationale to explain the reason.


When you have finished reviewing a page, you can get back to the champion task list by clicking on the "Toolbox" drop-down menu on the left navigation, and clicking on the "Moderation" link. If you need to review additional changes, you can do so from the task list.

When you edit a page, and you are the second champion to review, a third review (or re-review by champion 1) may be required. This is to ensure that all changes are reviewed by at least two champions.

Discussions about a page

Sometimes, it may be helpful for champions to discuss a pending edit before deciding whether to approve or reject it. This may be to ask opinions about whether a new page should be created to handle the subtopic being added or to get a second opinion on whether the information contributed is correct. Only other champions for the page will be able to see the discussion (talk) page. 

  1. Click the "Start discussion" link for the page on the champion task list. If someone else has started a discussion, the link will say "Join discussion."
  2. Click the "Start a new discussion" link, enter a subject and your question/concern.

If there is an existing discussion, you'll see the text and a Reply link. Items on the discussion page do not trigger emails - they appear only on the page and in your task list.

Creating a new page

To create a new page, decide on a title then search for it. [A second browser window or tab can be helpful.] There will be a link for "Create the page 'page name' on this wiki." Clicking it will create a new page with some default text and headings that you can keep or delete as appropriate for the page being created.

If you are moving contributed text, you can copy and paste from the existing page to the new page. You'll probably want to add a link between the existing page and the new page.

Renaming pages

You may discover that the page names that have been created based on the original content from PEH don't adequately describe the content. For example, PEH has a chapter on underbalanced drilling, but never mentions managed pressure drilling. It seems likely that some elements are common and those pages (and page titles) need to be made more applicable to both.

Staff can help with renaming pages -just send a request to petrowiki(at)
