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Help:Champion history

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Moderators have access to viewing the history of edits on a page. The history link is located on the left within the navigation links.


  • When a page has editing history it will look similar to this.
  • The first record on the list is the most recent page edit. But it is not always the approved visible page.


  • If any of the CUR selections are selected it will give a comparison of that edit with the most current edit. If it is hyperlinked It will show you how it would look if approved. The first record's CUR is never hyperlinked.


  • If any of the PREV are selected it will give you a comparison with the previous edit. If it is hyperlinked it will show you how it would look if approved. The last record's PREV is never hyperlinked.


  • The selection DOT with the COMPARE SELECTED REVISIONS blue button allows a jump between the different edits for comparison. Pick two different revisions then push the blue button to see the comparison.

History History

  • If the date stamp is selected it will show how that page will look if it was approved and live.


  • The name in red is the person who did the edit but the hyperlink goes to a dead end page. (red means it goes nowhere)


  • If CONTRIBS is selected it will show all the contributions by that user.


  • The numbers are the bytes (space/text) contributed (+) or removed (-) per that edit. (+50) means there was 50 bytes contributed to this page.


  • The (undo), (approve), and (unapprove) can be used to make quick content changes. An administration only feature.


  • The black star is the LIVE accepted current page.

