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Enhanced oil recovery (EOR)

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This is the landing page for links to EOR related topics -- Immiscible gas injection in oil reservoirs, Conformance improvement, Polymer_waterflooding [1][2][3] , Miscible flooding, Thermal recovery by steam injection, and In-situ combustion.


Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is the technique or process where the physicochemical (physical and chemical) properties of the rock and/or the fluids are changed to enhance the recovery of hydrocarbon. The properties of the reservoir-fluid system which are affected by EOR process are chemical, biochemical, density, miscibility, interfacial tension (IFT)/surface tension (ST), viscosity and thermal. EOR often is called tertiary recovery if it is performed after secondary recovery such as gas injection or waterflooding.


Conformance is the application of processes to reservoirs and boreholes to reduce water production, enhance recovery efficiency, or satisfy a broad range of reservoir management and environmental objectives. Although the use of conformance processes may not result in increased production, such processes can often improve an operator’s profitability as a result of the following benefits:

  • longer productive well life
  • reduced lifting costs
  • reduced environmental concerns and costs
  • minimized treatment and disposal of water
  • reduced well maintenance costs

Ideally, conformance control should be performed before a condition can result in serious damage. As with personal health, treating potential problems before they become serious is considerably less costly than allowing a condition to deteriorate until drastic actions must be taken. For example, just as changing lifestyle habits can reduce a person’s risk of heart disease, treating a well’s potential coning problem may prevent it from “bottoming out” in the future.


  1. Lake, L.W. 1989. Enhanced Oil Recovery, 314-353. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  2. Sorbie, K.S. 1991. Polymer-Improved Oil Recovery. Glasgow and London: Blackie.
  3. Yun, W., and A. R. Kovscek. 2015. “Microvisual Investigation of Polymer Retention on the Homogeneous Pore Network of a Micromodel.” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 128. Elsevier: 115–27.

Noteworthy papers in OnePetro

Jaripatke, O. A., & Dalrymple, E. D. (2010, January 1). Water-Control Management Technologies: A Review of Successful Chemical Technologies in the Last Two Decades. Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Larry S. Eoff (Halliburton Energy Services Group) | Eldon Dwyann Dalrymple | Don M. Everett | Julio Estuardo Vasquez (Halliburton ) "Worldwide Field Applications of a Polymeric Gel System for Conformance Applications"

Honnert, M., Occidental Permian, Ltd, Dalrymple, E.D., Creel, P., Vavrek, G.,Kelley, R., Tate, R., Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. "Conformance Water-Management Team Developments and Solutions on Projects in the Permian Basin" 70068-MS SPE Conference Paper - 2001

Online multimedia

Bassiouni, Zaki. 2013. Less Known Methods for Improved Oil and Gas Recovery.

Farouq Ali, S.M. 2012. The Unfulfilled Promise of Enhanced Oil Recovery – What Lies Ahead?.

External links

"Enhanced Oil Recovery." Enhanced Oil Recovery. U.S Department of Energy, n.d. Web.

"Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)." Schlumberger. Web.

"Plasma Pulse Technology Demo of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)." YouTube. Propell Technologies Group, 2 June 2014. Web.

"What Is EOR, and How Does It Work?". Rigzone, n.d. Web.

"Low-Energy Processes for Unconventional Oil Recovery". Reza Fassihi and Tony Kovscek. Web.

See also

Waterflooding in carbonate reservoirs

