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Message: PetroWiki is moving to OnePetro! Please visit PetroWiki's new home here.

Contribute what you know is right

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Go beyond reading, and join other industry volunteers in contributing what you know is right.

You either need to be a professional member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) or registered with PetroWiki to contribute, but getting set up is easy either way.

How to get started

SPE professional member: As an SPE professional member you are already approved – Log in with your existing SPE log in and start contributing what you know is right.

SPE student members: As an SPE student member you are already in the system but with limited edit rights. To request full editing rights, contact the PetroWiki staff liaison at

Non-professional member: At this time, only SPE members can edit the wiki.

Want to be a professional member: Once you get registered and you decide you are interested in becoming a member visit the Join SPE page.

Logged in with edit rights allows you to:
  • Edit pages
  • Start new pages
  • Rename pages
  • Upload images

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For more details, read on. To get started, log in.

Stages of contributions

Depending on the time and expertise you have will determine what and how you contribute. Contributions are completely customized to meet with your industry experience, available time, and technical abilities within a wiki.

If you are retired and have extra time on your hands than your assistance in enhancing PetroWiki would be of great value to the world around you. Maybe you didn't realize that others really want to know what you know.
Who else has a lifetime of knowledge stored in his/her brain and filing cabinet(s)? YOU DO!
  • Consider any papers or seminars you have presented and create in depth content from those sources.
  • Consider adding citations and links of papers and/or seminars you have presented, collaborated with, or appreciated.
  • Consider any specialized knowledge you have gleaned and add new or improved topic sections.
  • Stay active in the industry by guiding others with your knowledge and expertise.
  • Encourage others in the industry such as colleagues, friends, and peers to contribute.

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Active in the industry
If you are active in the industry you probably don't have a lot of time to dedicate to PetroWiki. Can you contribute an hour (+ or -) a week?
Who has current firsthand interactive knowledge in the industry? YOU DO!
  • Consider adding citations and links of papers and/or seminars you have presented or appreciated.
  • Consider any specialized knowledge you have acquired and add it to topic pages.
  • Share your knowledge and expertise with the industry and your peers.
  • Encourage others in the industry such as colleagues, friends, and peers to contribute.

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Educational side of the industry
If you are an in the educational side of the industry you probably don't have a lot of time during the semester or semester breaks to dedicate to PetroWiki. Can you contribute an hour (+ or -) a week?
Who has a great storehouse of knowledge? YOU DO!
  • Consider adding citations and links of papers and/or seminars you have presented, appreciated, or taught.
  • Consider assigning class projects to develop new pages or update existing pages.
  • Extra credit
  • Develop a topic page instead of a paper.
  • Use PetroWiki as an Information Literacy project.
  • Add resources such as references and links to topic pages.
  • Consider adding any specialized knowledge you have access too.
  • Guide others with your knowledge and expertise with the industry, your colleagues, students, and your peers.
  • Encourage others in the industry such as colleagues, friends, and peers to contribute.

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Supporting roles in the industry
If you have a supporting role in the industry such as sales, marketing, manufacturing, or financing etc. your knowledge is needed in PetroWiki.
Who has a better understanding of how specialized tools work or what specs should be followed, what are the examples, or what is trending in the industry? YOU DO!
  • Consider any papers or seminars you have access to in your particular role within the industry and insert citations and links to those items.
  • Consider any specialized knowledge you generate to support the industry and add it to topic pages.
  • Share your knowledge and expertise with the industry, your colleagues, and your peers.
  • Encourage others in the industry such as colleagues, friends, and peers to contribute.

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New to the industry
If you are new to the industry you probably don't feel as though you know enough to contribute to PetroWiki.
Who is continually reading and exploring all there is to know about the industry? YOU ARE!!
  • Consider any papers or seminars you have read or appreciated and insert citations and links to those items.
  • Consider any specialized knowledge you have acquired so far and add it to topic pages.
  • Share the knowledge and expertise from your mentors with the industry and your peers.
  • Encourage others in the industry such as colleagues, friends, and peers to contribute.

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In the meantime: Log in and contribute what you know is right!

Contribute what you know is right

Creating an account

Creating an account is quick and completely free.

Create new content

Create a topic that does not exist in PetroWiki. There is a Creating quality topic pages step-by-step guide and worksheet to direct the creation of a new page.

Create links

Create internal or external links to other similar topics


Add references to a topic to validate or support the content. Always include the DOI or a URL for ease of access the sources.

Articles, papers, and books

Add citations from sources like OnePetro for extended reading on a specific topic. Always include the DOI or a URL for ease of access the sources.

Audio and visual

Use links to external sites such as YouTube or Slideshare.

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